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Mech'cheM - 2015
Mech'cheM - 2015
International Symposium on Mechanochemistry
July 15-17, 2015 - Montpellier, France
Thanks to all the participants, this symposium was a real success, with fruitful discussions and exchanges !

WHAT is this symposium about
Mechanochemistry has a wide domain of applications. From organic synthesis, materials, polymers to nanoparticles, mechanochemistry allows chemists to perform solid-solid or solid-liquid reactions.
This 3 days symposium, organized by scientists from the IBMM (Institut des Biomolécules Max Mousseron) and ICGM (Institut Charles Gerhardt de Montpellier), will gather international experts on mechanochemistry in Montpellier (France).



Montpellier tram.jpg

Invited Speakers

Abstracts of the invited lectures are now available at the speakers' page.

Contact us
For any question on the Mech'cheM symposium, do not hesitate to contact us at the following address.
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